Learning from mistakes!

Brave makers and creative designers try out a lot. And that means: They make mistakes! Often, publicly, without a double bottom and painfully. The advantage: they progress, learn and develop better than those who play it safe and try to avoid mistakes. In Power Facilitation guided projects, participants are motivated to try themselves out, experiment,…

(Deutsch) PF-Inspirationstag

Zündstoff ist zum Zünden da! Ob Führungskraft, Trainer, Berater oder Coach, wir alle unterstützen Menschen dabei, sich zu entwicklen und über sich hinauszuwachsen. Wie wir das tun, welche Wege wir gehen und Erfahrungen wir machen kann unterschiedlich sein. Am Tag der Inspiration werden aussergewöhnliche wertschätzende Wege beleuchtet, vertieft und auf die Persönlichkeit des Einzelnen zugeschnitten.…

Recognition Feeds Ambition

This insight expressed by Roman historian Sallust (86-35 B.C.) is still vaild today. Current studies on job satisfaction identify the recognition of performance as one of the most important motivational factors in business. The identification and promotion of potentials as well as the recognition of performance and success are prerequisites to inspire teams and individuals…

Thanks for disturbing

Retreating from disturbances will help focus attention and concentration. But will it also help trigger imagination, creativity, disruptive thinking and innovation? Power-Facilitation knows about the positive potential of disruption, and steps into thoughts and procedures, well-considered and thoroughly timed. However, we don’t call it disturbance, we call it change of perspective. Power-Facilitation does not disturb…

Sweet idleness

We often fall for the illusion that idleness is unproductive and worthless. As quickly as possible we patch the hole of seemingly lost life time with activity to stop this assumed unproductivity. However, there is special magic in boredom and unoccupied times. Sensing this magic is not always comfortable but nevertheless more necessary than one…